Monday, 28 March 2011

Windows XP installation through pxe boot in windows 2003

install server 2003

configure the   i) dns server
                      ii)dhcp server and create a scope

Configure the RIS Service

Goto start->Control panel->Add or Remove programs->Add/Remove Windows Components Select Remote Installation Service and copy files from  cd( which u want to install in the client system)

Copying the image to the RemoteInstall folder

Goto start-> Administrator tools-> Remote Installation Service setup copy the image that which u want to install in the client system.

Give the full Authentication to the RemoteInstall folder(Right click the RemoteInstall folder where u created)

 The Remote install folder should not be the System drive

DHCP server configuration

Create a scope if scope does not exists.

Goto start->Administrative tools -> DHCP  Right click DHCP Add server then select this server option then the dhcp server will be created with domain name Right Click and select New scope and create a new scope then scope will be created.

Double click on scope ->scope options -> Right click configure options then

                                           configure these options i) Router
                                                                               ii)Boot server hostname
                                                                               iii)Bootfile name

Adding the Network driver to the RIS image

                 Create the directory  shown below inside the  drive:\RemoteInstall\Setup\English\Images\WINDOWS\i386


Download the oem network driver from below url:

Copy the downloaded driver into the below path


In Regedit(registry) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\devicePath default will be %Systemdrive%\inf change into


      then restart u r computer and boot the client system through network.

Requirements for the client system

The system should be connected to the network.